Wednesday, February 26, 2014

"50 shades of grey"

Getting my blackie car washed... itz turning to "50 shades of grey"~ 

Photo: Getting my blackie car washed... itz turning to "50 shades of grey"~ #carwash #50shadesofgrey #sexycar

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


刮痧... Scraping the skin's surface using jade or buffalo's horn, etc... it's a traditional Chinese natural therapy, for maintaining the body's temperature balance & circulation. 

Photo: 刮痧... Scraping the skin's surface using  jade or buffalo's horn, etc... it's a traditional Chinese natural therapy,  for maintaining the body's temperature balance & circulation.  #feltbetterimmediately  #painisanunderstatement #paindieme #throwback #bodyart

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day~

My kawaii 3D panda nail art featured on Angelpro Nail page today! ^^)/ 
I did this some time ago using Angelpro's embossed gel~ 

Sharing it just in time for V'day!! 
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!